Whoo Hoo! The kids, and this Mom, were overjoyed with the good news of NO SCHOOL! Snow days for me equate to a quiet morning of extended meditation, prayer and reading in bed with a hot cup of tea. Thank you mother nature!
In addition to this peaceful morning, the beautiful snowfall provides the perfect setting for a brisk walk, chill time with the kids and the chance to cozy in the kitchen for some culinary exploration.
I have always been a big fan of soups. Love the comfort it brings to my body and the versatility! Soups can be a simple meal, a snack or be used as an efficient way to get power ingredients into your body. During the cold and flu season I like to make a few soups with immune boosting ingredients. Loading up on garlic is good because it inhibits the growth of a broad range of microbes and blocks the enzymes that help viruses spread. Adding in beta-carotene rich vegetables like sweet potatoes, provide powerful antioxidants that help combat infection. There is so much that you can do to protect or heal yourself with ingredients found right in your own kitchen or what I refer to as my FARMACY ????
When looking for a recipe, I search for healing vegetables and spices, a plant based protein and a good punch of fiber, preferably a soluble fiber to protect my heart. Beans, oats and lentils are a good source of soluble fiber. I haven’t used red lentils much, but I tell you, after making these two soups, I am totally digg’n them!. They cook in just 15 minutes and offer about 10 grams of protein. To top it off, there’s no soaking or precooking and they can be added directly into the soup. Making these soups a one pot meal – YAY! You can bet, these little red lentils will always have a home in my pantry!
These are two Oh She Glows inspired red lentil soups that I prepared and will definitely make again and again ???? They fit my criteria of being simple to make, filled with healing ingredients,and delicious!
Check them out: Red Lentil Kale Soup and Indian Lentil – Cauliflower Soup!
I hope you give these immune boosting lentil soups a try. My family loved them! They are flavorful, filling and freeze well. Perfect to double up or share with a neighbor.
Enjoy and may you stay healthy and bright !