My food mantra: “If there is something I eat on a daily basis, I want it to be nourishing to my body.” For many people, that daily something is bread. It is a part of every meal: toast for breakfast, sandwiches at lunch and rolls or garlic bread (yum!) on the dinner table. And right about now, you probably feel like a loaf of bread - especially if, like me, you live in the North East. So why not eat the healthiest bread available. But the bread aisle can be so confusing! With all of the ...
Quick Dark Chocolate Macaroons
I think of February as “Love Your Heart Month” both emotionally and physically. There's no better way to cultivate that love than with these Dark Chocolate Macaroons. You can make them in a snap, perfect for unexpected guests or cravings :) Now that doesn't mean you should stack a massive supply next to the remote control and settle in for the winter, even if you live in snow-bound New England! You can enjoy the glorious taste of dark chocolate guilt-free as long as you consume in moderation. So ...
What the heck is a Goji Berry?
Goji berries come from the Northern Asia in the Tibetan and Mongolian Himalayas. This nutritionally dense berry is high in antioxidants and has unique polysaccharides that reduce inflammation. On the ORAC Scale – A standardized test adopted by the Department of Agriculture to measure the antioxidant potency of foods and nutritional supplements. Here's how goji berries measure up against other popular sources of antioxidants: Blueberries: 2,750 Pomegranate: 10,450 Goji berries: ...
(Dark) Chocolate is Good for Me?
European researchers reported those who included as little as a small square (7.5 gms) of chocolate daily had lower blood pressure and were 38% less likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than those who rarely ate chocolate. Chocolate, especially Dark Chocolate, 60% or higher is teeming with potent antioxidants called flavanols. Flavanols work their magic by improving the function of the cells that line arteries. This provides numerous benefits including lower blood pressure and better ...