Amy's admiring her pantry this week. Come see what she's doing right! -- Denise My family recently celebrated our gluten-free anniversary. Looking back at the changes we have made during the past year has been pretty awe-inspiring. The idea of keeping our home completely gluten-free was daunting at first but now it seems like the “same old, same old.” And having two celiacs who are symptom free? Awesome. What were our tricks to success? 1. Get a clean start The most important thing we ...
More Super Stars for Breast Health!
I’m back with another recipe packed full of nutrients for breast health -- this time it has raw veggies, which are cancer choking super stars. Why do I call raw veggies cancer choking? Because we know that oxygen and a healthy PH are cancers’ enemies. When our bodies are too acidic from eating sugar, dairy, animal protein, or refined foods, we set the stage for a slew of ailments, ranging from chronic degenerative diseases to fatigued body to cancer. What we know, thanks to Nobel-prize winning ...
If I had breast cancer, I would eat…
It’s Breast Cancer Awareness month, and as I listen to the statistics of women diagnosed, I ponder the reality that it could happen to me. I can’t help but wonder, what would I do? What power foods would I eat to strengthen my immune system? What I do know is that we have incredible power over our health. Even if there are genetic factors involved, our lifestyle can have an effect on whether or not those genes are expressed. That being said, cancer is a stinker and can appear in even the ...