Laura is back this week, with a great take on gazpacho. It features watermelon, the ultimate summer fruit! -- Denise It’s hard to believe summer is almost over! I am so happy I met Denise when I did so I could feel healthier for the warm weather. Her healthy eating system has enabled me to 1) fit into my summer wardrobe and 2) feel inspired to be active outside. My 2-year-old daughter and I have come up with a great routine in our week. Friday night is “girl’s night,” while dad is ...
Dinosaur BBQ’s Mojito Chicken
My neighbor Ben turned me onto this recipe. We are both fans of the Dinosaur BBQ in upstate New York – a favorite hang of bikers, too! If you are ever in Syracuse or Rochester, NY – check it out. I love it, especially on the weekend when having guests. It’s one of those dishes that you can get started in the morning, let it marinate all day, and just pop in the oven when the guests arrive. You don’t even have to hang out by the grill! The chicken is a crowd pleaser because it is so ...
FDA Defines Gluten-Free
This week is a great week for those with celiac or gluten-sensitivity! Why? Because the FDA has defined “gluten-free” and that will require food manufacturers to be consistent in what they call “gluten-free.” Excited? Confused? You aren’t alone. Read on to learn the key points. No more reading labels? Yahoo! Sadly, you will still need to read labels when you shop, and every time you shop. What it does mean is that any product labeled “gluten-free” after August, 2014, will have to ...