Laura is back this week, with a great take on gazpacho. It features watermelon, the ultimate summer fruit! -- Denise It’s hard to believe summer is almost over! I am so happy I met Denise when I did so I could feel healthier for the warm weather. Her healthy eating system has enabled me to 1) fit into my summer wardrobe and 2) feel inspired to be active outside. My 2-year-old daughter and I have come up with a great routine in our week. Friday night is “girl’s night,” while dad is ...
Safe Sunscreen & A Summer Smoothie!
Growing up, I spent my summers on Lake Wawasee in Indiana. It was, and still is, one of my favorite places on Earth! I have very fair skin and back in the day, I used to spend hours in the water and burn like crazy -- I remember not being happy having to swim in a big white t-shirt. Now, we have some pretty potent sunscreens that are almost like wearing a t-shirt. But you have to have the right ingredients to do the job without adding harmful toxins. So what are the chemicals and toxins we ...