Last week, we talked about how certain foods actually help to protect your skin from the sun. Two of those foods are kale and Brazil nuts. Kale has an abundant source of beta-carotene that converts in the body to retinol. Retinol is an active form of vitamin A, which protects against oxidative stress and UV damage. Brazil nuts contain selenium which helps to slow down the aging process caused by sun damage. Today, I am going to share a delicious Kale Pesto Dip created by a new ...
Gluten-Free Pantry
Amy's admiring her pantry this week. Come see what she's doing right! -- Denise My family recently celebrated our gluten-free anniversary. Looking back at the changes we have made during the past year has been pretty awe-inspiring. The idea of keeping our home completely gluten-free was daunting at first but now it seems like the “same old, same old.” And having two celiacs who are symptom free? Awesome. What were our tricks to success? 1. Get a clean start The most important thing we ...
A New Year’s Celebration to a Healthier You!
I am so looking forward to the new year. I love the celebration with friends and family, followed by time spent on deciding my intentions for the year ahead. Once I know my goals, I love finding ways to kick start the new year. As you ring in 2014, here are some new recipes and traditions that I hope will bring you health and prosperity. For your New Year’s Eve Celebration, Pomegranate Champagne Punch is a great starter. When hosting a dinner or celebration, I like to greet my guests with a ...
3 Tips for a Healthy Holiday
Winter is upon us -- brrrr! Cold weather coupled with the busy holiday season can be taxing on our immune system, which can cause us to get sick, leaving us not so jolly. Although there are many great strategies and power foods to strengthen your immune system, today we will focus on my top three, specifically designed to keep you healthy during the often hectic holiday season. 1. Lather Up! Washing your hands is crucial for preventing illness -- get in the habit before leaving a public ...
How To Enjoy A Gluten-Free Thanksgiving
Amy has some great ideas this week for making a gluten-free Thanksgiving stress-free and delicious, too. Enjoy! -- Denise If you love food – and who doesn’t? – then Thanksgiving is a hard holiday to beat. But when you need to be gluten-free, that same holiday becomes challenging. Here are some tips for taking the stress out and putting the fun back in. Eating at someone else’s home? Interview your host: find out what they are serving and how they cook. Little things can make the ...
Preparing for a Gluten-Free Holiday Season
Halloween signals the end of Breast Cancer Awareness month and the start of the winter holiday season for young and old. For those needing to live gluten-free, this can be an especially challenging time of year. Office parties, open houses and family events are all complicated enough without having to make sure your food is safe, too. Don’t panic! We’ve got some great tips for getting ready now, so you can enjoy the parties & holidays later! Be prepared! A little planning goes a long ...
If I had breast cancer, I would eat…
It’s Breast Cancer Awareness month, and as I listen to the statistics of women diagnosed, I ponder the reality that it could happen to me. I can’t help but wonder, what would I do? What power foods would I eat to strengthen my immune system? What I do know is that we have incredible power over our health. Even if there are genetic factors involved, our lifestyle can have an effect on whether or not those genes are expressed. That being said, cancer is a stinker and can appear in even the ...
But You Don’t Look Sick! Living with Celiac Disease
Have you heard the one about the child with a tummy ache? “He wasn’t really sick, he was just nervous.” Or the one about the freshly-baked cookie: “one won’t hurt you!” Having celiac disease or other gastrointestinal disorders often means looking fine while feeling sick. Unlike when you have the flu or hives, where you “look as bad as you feel,” when you have celiac disease and have been “glutened,” you may look outwardly fine while feeling terrible inside. For my family members with ...
FDA Defines Gluten-Free
This week is a great week for those with celiac or gluten-sensitivity! Why? Because the FDA has defined “gluten-free” and that will require food manufacturers to be consistent in what they call “gluten-free.” Excited? Confused? You aren’t alone. Read on to learn the key points. No more reading labels? Yahoo! Sadly, you will still need to read labels when you shop, and every time you shop. What it does mean is that any product labeled “gluten-free” after August, 2014, will have to ...
Aussie-Style Grilling
Karina is back this week, to give us her take on the classic Australian dish “Shrimps on the Barbie”. She’ll also be at the Winchester Farmers Market on Saturday with loads of yummy snacks, like Walnut Pate, Sweet Potato Hummus and Chocolate Cranberry Energy Chews. Stop by! -- Denise Perfect Grilled Seafood In celebration of meatless Mondays and raising awareness of the heightened health risks of over-eating meat along with the profound environmental impact of the meat ...