Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season when we have a few more things on our plate (ha! a little pun there :)). We have busier schedules, less sleep and are exposed to more people -- all of which can set us up for illness and feeling stressed out! At times like this, you may be tempted to ditch the fresh real food and grab a quick processed snack or carry-out meal. It may feel like we are making our lives a little easier, but actually, we are really making matters worse! ...
Easter Brunch Starters
One of my favorite pleasures in life is gathering with the family to celebrate the holidays. Getting everyone around the table and enjoying a beautiful, delicious meal is pure heaven to me :) Growing up in Indiana, Easter was always a welcome celebration after the quiet, reflective period of Lent and the grey of winter. Following Easter mass, we would gather with all our cousins and attend a big Easter brunch hosted my grandmother. Excited to be wearing a new spring outfit, eating jelly beans ...