Growing up, I spent my summers on Lake Wawasee in Indiana. It was, and still is, one of my favorite places on Earth! I have very fair skin and back in the day, I used to spend hours in the water and burn like crazy -- I remember not being happy having to swim in a big white t-shirt. Now, we have some pretty potent sunscreens that are almost like wearing a t-shirt. But you have to have the right ingredients to do the job without adding harmful toxins. So what are the chemicals and toxins we ...
A Kale Pesto Even Fathers Will Love
Last week, we talked about how certain foods actually help to protect your skin from the sun. Two of those foods are kale and Brazil nuts. Kale has an abundant source of beta-carotene that converts in the body to retinol. Retinol is an active form of vitamin A, which protects against oxidative stress and UV damage. Brazil nuts contain selenium which helps to slow down the aging process caused by sun damage. Today, I am going to share a delicious Kale Pesto Dip created by a new ...