Laura is back this week, with a great take on gazpacho. It features watermelon, the ultimate summer fruit! -- Denise It’s hard to believe summer is almost over! I am so happy I met Denise when I did so I could feel healthier for the warm weather. Her healthy eating system has enabled me to 1) fit into my summer wardrobe and 2) feel inspired to be active outside. My 2-year-old daughter and I have come up with a great routine in our week. Friday night is “girl’s night,” while dad is ...
Simple Summer Recipes at Your Fingertips!
School is finally out, which means we can finally start to enjoy summer! Summertime is fun but it can pose some challenges. Like being out all day and then scrambling for dinner, which leads you to resorting to yet another burger or hot dog on the grill. Hmm, how many nights have you had a burger this week? Or, instead of waiting to have your glass of wine on the weekend, you enjoy one today (and tomorrow) because everyday feels like a Friday! And don’t forget the frequent trips to the ice cream ...