Laura’s back this week, with a delicious twist on fruit smoothies! -- Denise The fall weather is fast approaching, but that doesn’t mean I am giving up my morning fresh fruit smoothies! This is one part of my diet that stays consistent, no matter how crazy life gets. My daughter is almost 2-years-old and says “ewww” when I offer her some of my smoothie in the morning. Even though she likes every single ingredient, she won’t eat them pureed in a very noisy blender! When I asked her if she ...
Think outside the Strawberry Short Cake!
Strawberries are still in abundance and I can’t stop eating them. So let’s do some culinary exploring! Most people use strawberries as a dessert or just sprinkled in their cereal. That’s all good, but with the health benefits that they offer and deliciousness, I like to find other creative ways of getting them into my day. Not to mention, they make anything beautiful with that pop of red! Here are some recipes to get you thinking about strawberries in a different way. And since both of ...
How to Use Your CSA box!
Got a CSA box? Shopping at the farmer’s market this weekend? Below are some recipes to help you use all those wonderful healing veggies. Let’s learn about some of the benefits we get from these veggies: Radishes: these are amazing! They are high in skin-beautifying sulfur, silicon and Vitamin C. They are said to be arguably the best mucus-dissolving food for the digestive tract, which helps cleanses our systems. The cleaner and more free of toxins our systems are, the more beautiful we ...